About Katie
Katie Harvey, my incredible wife, passed away in July 2017 after a 3 year battle with bowel cancer aged just 38. At no point in the last few years did she stop living her life, and unbelievable as it may seem, she barely even let it, or her treatment for it, interrupt our lives or those of our young daughters.
From the moment we found out Katie had cancer she resolved to continue to smile, to fight and never give up. She lived with extraordinary bravery, fun, courage & her bewitching smile through this time. Whether it was during the periods of normality, chemo or surgery, she continued to inspire people with her generosity and love for life.
Throughout her life she believed passionately in equality, in helping others and seeing the good in all of us. There are few like Katie. She was an incredible friend, daughter, sister, mother & wife. She was a world record holder, a gamesmaker during the London Olympics, a charity fundraiser and the life & soul of every party or wedding she attended. Her passion for life was contagious as was her support for the 2 charities that meant so much to her - The Ickle Pickles Children's Charity and The Royal Trinity Hospice.
The Ickle Pickles
The Ickle Pickles Children’s charity support the smallest and sickest babies who come into this world needing our help, through no fault of their own.
Ever since our own Ickle Pickle turned up at 31 weeks, 9 years ago, this was Katie's great passion, and she worked tirelessly as a fundraiser for the charity.
There was nothing she wouldn’t try if it would benefit this most dear of causes and there are many babies who’s start in life is in no small part due to her love for them, even though they never met.
The Royal Trinity Hospice
The Royal Trinity Hospice is the other end of life's circle. The care, love, support, dignity, opportunity but most of all laughter with which they filled the end of Katie's life left a permanent mark, and an immeasurable debt of gratitude on Katie, myself and all that laughed with her those last few weeks.
From the moment she arrived at the hospice her mood lifted instantly, she asked that, after having spent so many years focused on the Ickle Pickles, the effort we make in her memory should divide equally between the two causes. Even when Katie had every right to be selfish, she could only think of how her memory might benefit others.
Between them these two charities make a huge difference at the start and end of a person's life.
What we do in between is down to us.

"She lived her life in full swing as we should do ours. Let her be your inspiration to help change the lives of others"

Get Involved
Katie & I spoke at length about raising money for the charities she felt so passionately about.
Whether you wish to donate in her memory, or to get more involved by getting sponsored to take a 'Life in Full Swing' challenge.
All Katie asked was that you do something that challenges you, something that takes you out of your comfort zone, oh and it has to be fun! Bake a huge cake, climb a massive mountain, sit in a tub of beans - just do it with a smile on your face in the knowledge that you too are making a huge difference.
Go on. Live a little. Take a full swing. #bemorekatie

If you'd like to get involved, please contact Ben via email or fill out the form below. You'll be signed up for something before you know it.
Huge thanks for getting this far, don't stop now...